Dolly Parton
Hey Jolene, let's talk! You can call, message, chat, even WhatsApp. And I'll always know if you're hanging around. Just please, don't take my man!
Delivering cloud telephony that keeps you talking.
Greatest hits
01 Make anywhere, anytime, any device working easy with communications on the go
02 Handle every customer query right every time with intelligent call routing and handling
03 Allow your customers to contact you how they choose with multiple channels including WhatsApp and Outbound SMS
04 Get a single customer view with easy CRM integration
05 Make life easy with seamless integration with Microsoft Calendar, contacts and Teams
The artist
Dolly Parton (aka Xelion) shines a light on the power of communication in your business. In one, all-inclusive and easy-to-use solution you get the very best of cloud voice and collaboration features to bring your customers and colleagues together, wherever they are.
One, all-inclusive licence
Easy to use and self manage
Supports omnichannel contact
Fully integrated with Microsoft Teams, Calendar, Contacts and Active Directory
Can scale from simple cloud telephony to unified comms and contact centre needs
Just like Dolly, Xelion is confident and creative in what it delivers - an innovative communications platform for businesses that simply want to provide an easy way for their colleagues and customers to always stay in touch.
01 Administrative tools
02 Call hold and transfer
03 Call pickup
04 Click to dial
05 Global address book
06 Hunt groups and sequential ringing
07 In depth comms analysis
08 Microsoft integration
09 Mobile app
10 Presence and internal messaging
11 Softphone app
12 Video meetings
13 Wallboards and reporting
14 WhatsApp and SMS integration*
15 Voicemail to email
*WhatsApp licence and SMS bundles required